My boss suggested the Run/Bike workout as a starting point which makes sense to me as I'm already a pretty strong swimmer having swam on the team all through age group and high school. His guideline was to do X miles followed by X minutes of running.
For example:
- 10 mile bike ride followed by 10 minutes of running
- 20 mile bike ride followed by 20 minutes of running
After 3 weeks of doing one of these a week I feel really good going from bike to run. I've typically been doing these at the gym and hop off the bike and am running on the treadmill within about 20 seconds so that should be an even faster change of sports than during the event transition where I will have to rack my bike and swap shoes to run.
So in trying to keep focused on my half marathon but work toward the triathlon I've been swimming 1200 yards or so on Tuesdays and doing a brick on Thursdays which makes for two nice cross training days.
I'm going to try doing some shorter repeat bricks in a couple weeks and maybe do ride 5 miles run 5 minutes 3 times in a row.